Has the Ministry of Education failed to improve the education system?
Has the Ministry of Education failed to improve the education system?
Education is the foundation for many people, and it is the basis of our day-to-day activities. It is the key to success. Aristotle once said, “The educated differ from the uneducated as much as the living differ from the dead.”
At the Early Childhood Development level (ECD), a kid is taught how to read and write, and mostly, they are taught how to write their names. You will notice that most parents wait for their child to go to school before they teach them anything to do with reading and writing.
What it means is that schools have been entrusted with so much power over our children that their failure to produce quality education as expected will damage the child, making responsible parents lose faith in the service providers.
The Ministry Of Education is the board that governs schools. It is responsible for making sure that all the rules pertaining to protecting these minors are followed within the school facilities and, at the same time, making sure that education, which is the main reason, is guaranteed to the children.
My worry now is that the sector is failing to handle these responsibilities. A decade before going backwards in the period of 2012 to as early as the 2000s, school was school. We used to go to school, and we would be taught in such a way that even the slow learners would grasp a thing or two by the end of the day. Teachers still loved their jobs more than they loved money.
School fees are no longer enough for a child to have a proper education, and my question is: why, when at some point it was enough? After paying school fees, the parent is required to pay for books and some unplanned events that usually pop out of nowhere. Some teachers even force these kids to come for extra lessons, otherwise they won’t be taught in class.
The teacher hardly cares about the children when they are at school. We used to be punished for unacceptable behaviors. Fighting at school was an offense that would result in you being bitten to the extent that you would regret even getting angry in the first place. Back in the day, at school, you wouldn’t steal, fight, or act rude to the elders.
School taught us respect, independence, and to stay away from crime and drugs. Even the crime rate was very low compared to today. I blame it all on the ministry because either the teachers themselves are not fit for their designated positions or they are not regulated enough to know what they are supposed to do or not do when they are at work.
Our children spend most of their time at school; we at least expect them to learn something good at the end of the day, but instead of seeing doctors, lawyers, and pilots, our hoods are full of thieves, robbers, and drug abusers.
Theodore Roosevelt once said, “To educate a person in the mind but not in morals is to educate a menace to society.” Well, the education sector has been quite successful in educating menaces in our societies.